Name means consolation, comfort, or relief (from what?) We know nothing about him.
Main Idea(s)
The time is full for the destruction of Assyria. God is done holding back.
Target: Assyria, and to a lesser extent Judah
Time Period
- Contemporary of Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk
- Occurs between the sack of No-Amon (Thebes, the Egyptian capital at that time) and the destruction of Assyria – puts it around 615 BC, about ten years prior to the first exile.
Famous verses and fragments
- What other part(s) of Scripture do verses 1:2-3a remind you of?
- What is God saying to us in Chapter 1 regarding his nature and dealings?
- Why does He say that – what is the eventual point of it?
- If we were just limited to Chapter 1, excluding verse 1, would we know who God is talking about?
- What sins are mentioned in Chapter 1?
- What should Judah learn from verse 1:15? Is this specific to Assyria, or a general promise?
- How should we interpret 2:2?
- In Chapter 2, the attack is described. Describe what it might have been like.
- How total is the judgment? Is there any hint that repentance could avert it?
- How should we interpret 2:11-13?
- Chapter 3 – any more sins of Nineveh?
- 3:5-7 Why does God humiliate Nineveh?
- Why might God compare it to the sack of Thebes? (3:8-13)
- Is there any possibility of Nineveh getting out of this alive?
- What is the point of the summary in verses 18-19?
- Compare Nahum with Jonah.
- How is Nahum unique as a book of the Bible?